What is meant by REST API ?

REST (Representational State Transfer) is an important style used for designing networked applications. We can easily perform CRUD operations with the help of REST APIs. REST APIs allow systems to communicate over HTTP using standard methods like GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, which means REST APIs communicate through HTTP requests to perform standard database functions like creating, reading, updating and deleting records (also known as CRUD) within a resource. For example, a REST API would use a GET request to retrieve a record. A POST request creates a new record.

REST design principles

At the most basic level, an API is a mechanism that enables an application or service to access a resource within another application or service. The application or service that accesses resources is the client, and the application or service that contains the resource is the server. Some APIs, such as SOAP or XML-RPC, impose a strict framework on developers. But developers can develop REST APIs using virtually any programming language and support a variety of data formats. The only requirement is that they align to the following six REST design principles, also known as architectural constraints.

How REST APIs work

REST APIs communicate through HTTP requests to perform standard database functions like creating, reading, updating and deleting records (also known as CRUD) within a resource.

For example, a** REST API** would use a GET request to retrieve a record. A POST request creates a new record. A PUT request updates a record, and a DELETE request deletes one. All HTTP methods can be used in API calls. A well-designed REST API is similar to a website running in a web browser with built-in HTTP functionality.

The state of a resource at any particular instant, or timestamp, is known as the resource representation. This information can be delivered to a client in virtually any format including JavaScript Object Notation (JSON), HTML, XLT, Python, PHP or plain text. JSON is popular because it’s readable by both humans and machines—and it is programming language-agnostic.

Request headers and parameters are also important in REST API calls because they include important identifier information such as metadata, authorizations, uniform resource identifiers (URIs), caching, cookies and more. Request headers and response headers, along with conventional HTTP status codes, are used within well-designed REST APIs.

Key Points of REST API

  • An API (application programming interface) allows two software systems to communicate. REST (representational state transfer) is a popular architectural style for building web services, with 83% of APIs using REST over older protocols like SOAP.
  • RESTful APIs adhere to six principles: Uniform interface, Client-server architecture, Statelessness, Cacheability, Layered system, and optionally, Code on demand. These principles ensure consistency, scalability, and efficiency in API interactions.
  • REST APIs play a pivotal role in ETL and data integration processes. They offer efficiency in data transfer, real-time integration, scalability, and platform-agnostic communication, making them ideal for data-driven operations.
  • The process involves planning and identifying resources, designing intuitive URIs, choosing data formats (like JSON), setting up the development environment, defining and implementing CRUD operations, ensuring security, testing, and proper documentation.
  • There are various frameworks and tools, such as Python Flask, Node.js, Ruby on Rails, and Spring, that simplify the REST API creation process. Adhering to best practices, like proper endpoint naming, ensuring data security, and graceful error handling, is crucial for building robust and efficient APIs.

Example of REST API Requests

  • GET /users → Retrieve all users
  • GET /users/{id} → Retrieve a specific user
  • POST /users→ Create a new user
  • PUT /users/{id} → Update a user
  • DELETE /users/{id} → Delete a user
