To get the salesforce access token you need to have two things:
1. Salesforce connected app to get client Id and client secret
2. Salesforce username and password along with security token.
1. Lets create Salesforce connected app
- Login to Salesforce
Click on setup
- In the left side main search -> Type App Manager -> In the right side corner: Select New Connected App
- Fill the app info as below.
- Now click on save.
- To view Client and Secret key click on Manage Consumer Details then you will able to see client Id and Client secret.
- In the left side main search -> Type App Manager -> In the right side corner: Select New Connected App
2. Get user security token
Click on User profile -> Setting -> Click Left side Reset My Security Token
After clicking on reset security token, you will receive token on your salesforce registered email id.
And you already have saleforce username and password
Now, its time to call Saleforce Authentication Endpoint to get access token
- For Sandbox:
- For Production:
- Open postman and hit the endpoint with below details: