You always encounter missing data as one of the biggest problems in the world of data analysis. Either through errors during collection, system outages, or just simply incomplete entries, missing data can severely limit the quality of insights coming from your data. Luckily for us, PySpark is one of the Python APIs provided by Apache Spark for working with big data that delivers quite powerful tools when handling and imputing missing values, making it also very possible to have a robust preprocessing of data in a large dataset. Now we shall see how PySpark is used to appropriately address missing data.
Why Do We Handle Missing Data?
Missing data can skew your output or even make some of your computations wrong. Proper management and imputation of missing values will help you maintain the integrity of the data and enhance the performance of the model. The most popular methods to deal with missing data are:
- Dropping rows or columns that contain missing values
- Replacing missing values with statistical measures (mean, median, mode)
- Predicting missing values using machine learning algorithms
Start the PySpark
After installation, let's start a PySpark session:
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
spark = SparkSession.builder \
.appName("MissingDataImputation") \
Sample Dataset
For this example, we will create a sample DataFrame with some missing values.
from pyspark.sql.types import StructType, StructField, StringType, IntegerType, FloatType
from pyspark.sql import functions as F
# Sample data schema
schema = StructType([
StructField("Name", StringType(), True),
StructField("Age", IntegerType(), True),
StructField("Gender", StringType(), True),
StructField("Income", FloatType(), True)
# Sample data with missing values
data = [
("Alice", 34, "Female", 55000.0),
("Bob", None, "Male", 60000.0),
("Charlie", 29, None, None),
(None, 40, "Female", 58000.0),
("Eve", 25, "Female", None)
# Create DataFrame
df = spark.createDataFrame(data, schema)
1. Detection of Missing Values
Initially the columns that contain missing values need to be identified.
# Count missing value for every column[F.count(F.when(F.col(c).isNull(), c)).alias(c) for c in df.columns]).show()
This is a command that prints a count of null values of each column in the given dataset and provides an easier view on where there could be missing values.
Dropping rows with missing value
When the size of the data is big while the rows with missing value are only a few of them. Dropping them could be a good way . PySpark API provides dropna() which can help to drop.
# Drop rows that have any missing values
df_drop_any = df.dropna()
# Drop rows that have missing values in given columns
df_drop_selected = df.dropna(subset=["Age", "Income"])
You can also select a threshold to drop the rows if they contain that many non-null values.
# Drop rows that have fewer than 2 non-null values
df_drop_threshold = df.dropna(thresh=2)
3. Filling Missing Values
Another option is to replace missing values by a chosen value or by a calculated quantity such as mean, median, or mode.
Filling with Static Values
# Fill all null values with a specified value
df_fill_static = df.fillna({"Age": 30, "Income": 50000.0, "Gender": "Unknown"})
Filling with Statistical Measures
Filling with statistical measures is one of the most common imputation techniques.
# Filling with mean value
mean_income ="Income")).collect()[0][0]
df_fill_mean = df.fillna({"Income": mean_income})
You can use median or mode for imputation, depending on the context and column characteristics.
4. Imputation with Machine Learning Models
For a more sophisticated solution, you can use machine learning to predict missing values by other data. PySpark's MLlib has the tools for creating predictive models for this. For instance, you can create a simple linear regression model that predicts missing Income values given Age and Gender. Here is a quick example:
from import StringIndexer, VectorAssembler
from import LinearRegression
# StringIndexer for categorical variables
indexer = StringIndexer(inputCol="Gender", outputCol="GenderIndex")
df_indexed =
# VectorAssembler to create feature vectors
assembler = VectorAssembler(inputCols=["Age", "GenderIndex"], outputCol="features")
df_features = assembler.transform(df_indexed)
# Filter rows without missing Income for training
df_train = df_features.filter(df_features["Income"].isNotNull())
# Train Linear Regression model
lr = LinearRegression(featuresCol="features", labelCol="Income")
lr_model =
# Predict missing Income values
df_missing_income = df_features.filter(df_features["Income"].isNull())
df_predictions = lr_model.transform(df_missing_income)
# Showing imputed Income values"Name", "Age", "Gender", "prediction").show()
In this exercise, we train a linear regression model to predict missing Income values. Once we have predictions, we can fill in the missing entries in the original DataFrame.
5. Missing Categorical Data
For categorical data, the most common way is to fill in the missing values with the mode or a new category, for example, 'Unknown'. PySpark's fillna() is appropriate for that.
# Fill missing categorical values with 'Unknown'
df_fill_category = df.fillna({"Gender": "Unknown"})
Handling missing values in PySpark is also easy using various built-in functions to either drop or fill null values. The best method depends on the size of the dataset, the type of missing value patterns found, and the importance of the data. For difficult imputation, machine learning provides robust predictive tools capable of filling gaps in a manner that improves data quality and model performance. Experiment with these methods on your data to ensure clean, reliable results for your analytics or machine learning projects!
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